
Have you ever been asked…

The same question repeatedly without a good answer? This is the position Andy found himself in as students, parents, and other youth pastors often asked, “What resources are available to help students read and understand the Bible?” While there is certainly no shortage of youth devotionals, very few actually help students engage with God’s Word in a meaningful way. For years, Andy’s answer to this question were half-hearted endorsements with quick caveats around content or design. Many contain inspiring stories with an “anchor verse” at the top of the page-lacking any real explanation or engagement with the text. And while these stories have their purpose, they don’t actually help students love and understand Scripture.

he opened up his computer and started writing

Frustrated by this void, Andy began to write his own resource with no real end game in mind. All he knew is that he wanted to create something that spoke to students in a sophisticated way, something that would prompt students to respond to the truth of Scripture, and something that would help students grow in their love and understanding of God’s Word.

As projects tend to do, the vision grew. Eventually, the idea of publishing a print resource for students surfaced and he and his team started dreaming of creating not just a single resource, but a whole brand around helping students engage with Scripture. With bits and pieces everywhere, he started to focus on bringing one book all the way to completion: Experience The Gospel of Mark.

$12,500 raised in six weeks!

In November of 2017, Andy ran an Indiegogo campaign to officially launch Experience Scripture and raise the funds needed to publish Experience Mark. In six weeks, Andy raised 125% of his target goal--$12,500! The support was overwhelming and was further confirmation of the need in the student ministry community.

With the funds raised and after years of dreaming and hard work, in May of 2018 Andy published the first resource: Experience the Gospel of Mark. The reception was incredibly positive among students, parents, and youth pastors who all seemed to agree that this format truly did meet the needs of middle school and high school students who were looking for a genuine and life changing interaction with Scripture. Encouraged by the reception, Andy published the second resource in November of 2022, Experience the Wisdom of Proverbs.


NavPress partnership

While publishing these resources through Amazon’s self-publishing program was a huge accomplishment, it became clear that in order for more students to benefit from these resources, a strategic partnership with a publishing house would need to be formed. Through some mutual connections, Andy started to have conversations with Nav Press in the winter of 2023, culminating in an agreement to add Experience Scripture devotionals to Nav Press’ platform. This partnership allows for Experience Scripture books to be printed at a higher quality, utilize Nav Press’ vast network of ministry leaders, as well as include Scripture directly into the book--a key component missing from the original resources. 

After a year of editing and redesigning, Experience the Gospel of Mark and Experience the Wisdom of Proverbs will be released with Nav Press on August 6th, 2024!


Who is Nav Press?

NavPress is a business ministry of The Navigators, which since 1933 has shared the gospel of Jesus and helped people grow in their relationship with Him through Life-to-Life® discipleship. Since 1975, with its rich catalog of bestselling books, discipleship resources, and The Message® Bible, NavPress has been supporting readers as they know Christ, make Him known, and help others do the same.

Publishing a small batch of carefully curated resources each year, NavPress equips and supports roughly 2 million people every year in their personal discipleship and disciplemaking ministries





Rooted in Scripture

All too often, adolescent devotionals are not anchored in Scripture and therefore read like self-help manuals. While Experience Scripture will supply a 300 word "commentary" on the daily Scripture reading, the tool only works if the student first starts with reading a portion of God's Word themselves. The priority of this tool is to help students develop a lifelong habit of reading God's Word. This is why each day’s passage is conveniently located directly inside the resource.

Beautifully designeD

With a contemporary design that appeals to students who appreciate a clean reading experience, Experience Scripture has been beautifully and thoughtfully designed.


Because reading Scripture can be intimidating, each day includes a brief explanation of the passage’s major themes. Additionally, each books can be completed in only one month. These features are designed to make Experience Scripture as accessible and welcoming as possible.


Scripture is meant to be experienced! This resource provides tangible ways for students to interact with the truth of Scripture.







Andy was born and raised in Farmington Hills, Michigan. Growing up, his family was deeply committed to the local church, which instilled a love, appreciation, and respect for church ministry. After High School, Andy attended Moody Bible Institute where he graduated with a degree in Biblical Studies and a deep love for Chicago. Andy also holds a master’s degree in Biblical and Theological Studies from Wheaton College. Andy was a student pastor for almost 10 years before transitioning to a teaching pastor at Parkview Community Church and has a passion to help students understand Scripture and its role in the life of a believer. It is imperative to Andy that students are trained to think critically and Biblically as they encounter culture.

Andy married his High School best friend, Brittany, and lives in West Chicago, IL. Andy and Brittany welcomed their first son, Benjamin Jude, to their family in November of 2020 and their second son, William Daniel, in November of 2022. Andy loves traveling, exploring Chicago, driving, and listening to baseball games.